
The Archers - 02/03/2009

Logo for The Archers - 02/03/2009

Tony's impressed with the waste consultant's survey and initial suggestions for a reedbed but Helen's no longer so enthusiastic. After talking to a fellow cheesemaker, she's now aware of a better way of dealing with waste. Pat and Tony agree her explanation of a weeping wall system has possibilities. Helen's loaded up the van ready to move into her new flat but offers to ring Bryony later, to ask if Pat and Tony could take a look at her system. Brian tells Adam he's confident Tom's finally swallowed his pride about the supermarket deal, so is completely taken aback when Tom reveals he wants to break up the partnership. Tom won't reveal where the money will come from to buy Brian out. He remains self-controlled as he calls the shots. When Brian suggests he may not be minded to sell, Tom calmly suggests Brian will soon realise it's the best option. Tom acknowledges he'll always be grateful to Brian for saving the business but he's said what he came to say and now he'll wait for Brian to come back with an answer. Brian assures him he will, but warns Tom it may not be the one he's hoping for. Episode written by Adrian Flynn.