
The Archers - 01/03/2007

Logo for The Archers - 01/03/2007

Eddie is over at Lower Loxley digging out the ha-ha. Clarrie tells Elizabeth she's been keeping an eye on him since he gave up drinking for Lent. Elizabeth is impressed and offers to sponsor him. Tired after a hard day at Grey Gables, Caroline isn't looking forward to the Pony Club ball, which will be full of youngsters. Oliver tries to persuade her to come to the agricultural show in Paris, but she's too busy. Oliver wonders whether Ed would like to go. He deserves a treat and Eddie will cover the milking for him. Elizabeth is annoyed to find that, rather than overseeing the arrangements for the ball, Nigel has persuaded Eddie to let him drive the digger. Eddie, sensing trouble, takes himself off home, making a diversion to the cider shed on the way. He's disappointed to find that Clarrie has put a padlock on the door. She's determined to save Eddie from himself. At the Bollywood-style ball, Elizabeth impresses everyone with her sari. It looks as though Christopher and Netia's relationship may be at an end, as she fools about with her own friends and Chris spends the evening chatting up the barmaid. Episode written by Caroline Harrington.