
The American Future: A History, by Simon Schama

Logo for The American Future: A History, by Simon Schama

Simon Schama travels through America to dig deep into the conflicts of its history as a way to understand the country's contemporary political situation

logo for The American Future: A History, by Simon Schama - American Fervour
The American Future: A History, by Simon Schama - American Fervour

Simon explores how faith has shaped American political life and shows how, throughout American history, it has played a crucial role in the fight for freedom.

logo for The American Future: A History, by Simon Schama - American Plenty
The American Future: A History, by Simon Schama - American Plenty

Simon Schama travels through America exploring its past and present. Here, he shows how America's belief in the infinite possibilities of its resources is waning.

logo for The American Future: A History, by Simon Schama - American War
The American Future: A History, by Simon Schama - American War

Simon Schama reveals how different the American attitude to war is from what outsiders assume it to be. War has always inspired debate, as Simon finds in San Antonio.

logo for The American Future: A History, by Simon Schama - What is an American?
The American Future: A History, by Simon Schama - What is an American?

Simon looks at the bitter conflict over immigration in America. Does Barack Obama's candidacy represent the final triumph of America as a multi-ethnic nation?
