Drama series about a supermarket manager who decides to stand for election. Ros Pritchard steadily gains support, giving rise to thoughts of becoming Prime Minister
Drama series about a supermarket manager who stands for election. After winning over the Shadow Health Minister, thoughts of becoming Prime Minister enter Ros Pritchard's head.
DetailsDrama series about a supermarket manager who stands for election as PM. Ros's first few days in office are a whirlwind of meetings which leave her family feeling neglected.
DetailsDrama series about a supermarket manager who becomes the prime minister. Ros decides to sell off Westminster and set up parliament in Bradford. Georgina gets a boyfriend.
DetailsDrama series about a supermarket manager who becomes the prime minister. Twelve months into Ros's new career, a plane crashes over East London.
DetailsDrama series about a supermarket manager who becomes prime minister. The country rebels against Ros when she introduces a one-day-a-week car ban. Emily moves back to No 10.
DetailsDrama series about a supermarket manager who becomes prime minister. Will Ros keep her promise to never lie to the people, or cover up her husband's secret and keep her job?