
Strì gu Sìth

Logo for Strì gu Sìth

First-hand accounts from World War Two taken from the BBC archives

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 01/06/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 01/06/2010

An cogadh aig baile. Cuimhneachain air na bha tachairt ann am Breatainn fhein. First-hand and eyewitness accounts of the Blitz and war on the Home Front during the Second World War.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 03/08/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 03/08/2010

Na boireannaich ag innse mun obair a bh' aca tron Dara Cogadh. Women reflect on their role and occupations during World War Two.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 04/05/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 04/05/2010

Sgeulachdan làidir à tasglann a' BhBC, a' tòiseachadh le làithean amharasach 1939 agus 'an call-up'. First-hand accounts of World War Two taken from the BBC archives.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 06/07/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 06/07/2010

Gaidheil len cuimhneachain fhèin air an Dara Cogadh ann an Afraga. First-hand accounts from the African campaign during World War Two.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 07/09/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 07/09/2010

Cunntasan bho Ghaidheil mu dheireadh an Dara Cogaidh. Gaels recall the end of the Second World War.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 08/06/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 08/06/2010

Am Bomair - am blàr anns an adhar. First-hand accounts in Gaelic from Royal Air Force pilots during World War Two.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 10/08/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 10/08/2010

Cunntasan ann an Gaidhlig air Latha-D an Dara Cogaidh - 06 dhen Òg-Mhios 1945. First-hand accounts in Gaelic of World War II. Memories of D-Day, June 6th 1945.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 11/05/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 11/05/2010

Sgeulachdan làidir à tasglann a' BhBC, a' tòiseachadh le làithean amharasach 1939 agus 'an call-up'. First-hand accounts of World War Two taken from the BBC archives.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 13/07/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 13/07/2010

Gaidheil len cuimhneachain air an Dara Cogadh anns an Eadailt. First-hand accounts in Gaelic from the Italian campaign during World War Two.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 15/06/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 15/06/2010

Sgeulachd an t-soithich-cogaidh Am Bismarck agus bàtaichean na Ruis. Accounts of the sinking of the Bismarck and of the role played by convoy ships during WWII.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 17/08/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 17/08/2010

Gaidheil len cuimhneachain air campaichean nam prìosanach dol ma sgaoil. Gaels recall being marched from prisoner of war camps prior to the end of WW2.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 18/05/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 18/05/2010

Sgeulachd an Darna Cogaidh bho na Gaidheil a bha an sàs ann. 'Am blàr aig muir'. First-hand accounts in Gaelic from survivors of battles at sea during World War Two.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 22/06/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 22/06/2010

Cunntasan is cuimhneachain mu bhith seòladh 's a' Chuan Siar tron chogadh. Accounts of being aboard convoy ships in the Atlantic during the Second World War.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 24/08/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 24/08/2010

Aithrisean is cunntasan mun 'A Nàmhaid'. Reflective accounts of Nazi brutality and 'the Enemy'.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 25/05/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 25/05/2010

Na Campaichean - na thachair air an t-slighe agus ann an campaichean nam prìosanach. Accounts of being captured and the arduous conditions in German camps during World War Two.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 27/07/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 27/07/2010

Gaidheil le aithrisean mu bhith nam prìosanaich tron Dara Cogadh (Dara Pàirt). First hand accounts of life in the prison camps of the Second World War. (Part 2).

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 29/06/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 29/06/2010

Cuimhneachain cogaidh bho fheadhainn a bha nam prìosanaich ann a Iàpan. First-hand accounts of the Eastern campaign during WW2 and of life in Japanese prison camps.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - 31/08/2010
Strì gu Sìth - 31/08/2010

Deireadh a' chogaidh. Accounts from the end of the Second World War.

logo for Strì gu Sìth - Episode 12
Strì gu Sìth - Episode 12

Gaidheil len cuimhneachain air campaichean nam prìosanach tron chogadh. Recollections of life in prisoner of war camps during World War Two.
