Documentary which charts the remarkable 10-year worldwide journey taken by filmmaker Jeremy Gilley to establish a Day of Peace on September 21st. During the course of his mission the camera follows Gilley as he galvanizes the countries of the world to recognise this as an official day of ceasefire and non-violence. After the official motion is unanimously adopted in the UN, Gilley turns his efforts to implementing the ideals of Peace Day around the world. Celebrity support from the likes of Angelina Jolie and Jonny Lee Miller and corporate support from Puma, Coca-Cola and Ecover enhances the momentum. Gilley's persistence is rewarded when UNICEF, the World Health Organisation and local affected communities decide to try and use the Day to carry out a mass vaccination against polio in one of the toughest conflict areas in the world, Afghanistan. Gilley asks Jude Law to accompany him to Afghanistan to help persuade parties to ratify Peace Day. The task seems impossible, but pure human spirit in a country exhausted with conflict may just win through.