Drama series set in 2013. After London has been evacuated following a nuclear bomb, six new MI5 recruits take up the challenge of gathering intelligence in the fightback.
Drama series about a northern-based MI5 team. Charlie Green's first mission with Field Office 19 is to foil an apparent assassination plot against the British prime minister.
DetailsDrama series about an MI5 team. Protestors broadcast a video of dead inmates at a government prison, while Charlie discovers MI5 corruption directly relating to the London bombing.
DetailsDrama series set in 2013. Jez and Kylie are sent in undercover to investigate a housing estate which has become a criminal hot-spot and source of fake radiation drugs.
DetailsDrama series about a northern-based MI5 team, set in 2013. The horrific murder of two MI5 informants leads the team to discover a leak at a government-run Missing Person's Scheme.
DetailsDrama series about a northern-based MI5 team. A bank heist by eco terrorists leads the team to uncover a secret deal between the British government and a Korean billionaire.
DetailsDrama series about a northern-based MI5 team. With the anniversary of the London attack imminent, Charlie and the team have 24 hours to find the bomb and identify the MI5 traitor.