
Soul and Skin: Religion and Race in the Battle for the White House

Logo for Soul and Skin: Religion and Race in the Battle for the White House

Exploring two of the most sensitive fault lines in American politics, religion and race, and what role they will play in the 2008 presidential elections

logo for Soul and Skin: Religion and Race in the Battle for the White House - Mind The God Gap
Soul and Skin: Religion and Race in the Battle for the White House - Mind The God Gap

Exploring the roles that religion and race will play in the 2008 US presidential elections. Rob Watson reports on the fierce battle for religious voters in the key state of Ohio.

logo for Soul and Skin: Religion and Race in the Battle for the White House - Republicans and Race
Soul and Skin: Religion and Race in the Battle for the White House - Republicans and Race

Exploring the roles that religion and race will play in the 2008 US presidential elections. Rob Watson visits Virginia to tackle the issue of race in the election.
