Children's art magazine
Children's art magazine with Jay Burridge, Mark Speight and Kirsten O'Brien. A look at creating a personal identity for a mini scooter, plus making mosaics.
DetailsChildren's art magazine. In this edition: realistic animal drawing using one tone of pastels; a 3-D picture in a box; and a simple way of adding colour to a dull picture.
DetailsChildren's art magazine with Mark Speight, Jay Burridge and Kirsten O'Brien. In this edition - how dramatic effects can be achieved by painting on sandpaper.
DetailsChildren's art magazine with Jay Burridge, Mark Speight and Kirsten O'Brien. The team is outside Palm House at Kew Gardens, reproducing a lightning storm on a vast transparency.
DetailsChildren's art magazine. Mark shows how to change temperature with colour, Jay takes a look at creepy-crawlies, and Kirsten looks for new textures to use in her art.
DetailsChildren's art magazine. Jay Burridge makes a 3D shark, Kirsten O'Brien makes an elephant using kitchen roll, and Mark Speight sketches animals in their own environment.
DetailsArt magazine. In this edition: making pictures using tissue paper, a personalised mobile phone holder, and picture-making in the Isle of Man using a colourful felt pen technique.
DetailsChildren's art magazine. In this edition, food made from tissue paper that looks good enough to eat, and creating a realistic 2-D picture from an assortment of 3-D objects.
DetailsChildren's art magazine with Mark Speight, Jay Burridge and Kirsten O'Brien. In this edition, making personalised paint brushes and pens from scrap materials.
DetailsChildren's art magazine. This edition comes from Yorksire, where the programme is on location with artist Mackenzie Thorpe. Plus using pastels and drawing fantasy monsters.