
Show Me Show Me - Series 2 - Drums and Giants

Logo for Show Me Show Me - Series 2 - Drums and Giants

Chris and Pui investigate and explore within their magical playroom in the sky, and with the help of their favourite toys, bring objects and ideas to life. Chris and Pui show us different types of drums and have fun exploring a world where they become giants! Rum pum pum - listen to all the different drums that Chris and Pui have! And sing the Music Man song while you play your drum. Ding Ding the lift's calling - it's the grand Old Duke of York! He's lost his drumsticks - can the Shopkeeper help? The Toys have found things to be drums. Momo's drum sounds like raindrops. Teddington's drum sounds like giant footsteps! Chris and Pui pretend to be giants - can you pretend too? Imagine you're ginormous! Miss Mouse has two giants around for tea - it's Chris and Pui! Now it's over to you to find out what you know about giants. There are giants in the telescope too - giant animals and plants. Join in with Stuffy's song and have a look what he's got in his pocket: it's a magnifying glass. It makes things look gigantic. Spot a giant mouse and a giant drum before it's time to count back down in the lift.