
Show Me Show Me - Series 2 - Camels and Sticky Things

Logo for Show Me Show Me - Series 2 - Camels and Sticky Things

We're off on a journey to play in the sky, into the lift and zoom way up high! Up at the top are friends that we know, let's go and meet them and count as we go! Chris and Pui investigate and explore within their magical playroom in the sky, and with the help of their favourite toys, bring objects and ideas to life. Chris and Pui go on a camel trek through sand.. and honey! We look at more sticky things and get in a sticky mess together! Chris and Pui look some camels and make their own camel train. Trudge through the desert camel train, camel train, over sand again, again! Time for Tom's song - where could he be hiding? He's hiding underneath Chris' jumper - he looks like camel's hump! Chris takes Tom for a camel ride and Pui follows in a camel train. The camels trek across the sandy desert, over sand again, again! They swish through the sand, and trudge over a dune until Pui Camel gets stuck in sticky sand. Chris and Pui show us all sorts of sticky things and Chris gets stuck into a sticky toffee! Humpty Dumpty is visiting the shop today. He needs something sticky to help him stay on the wall! What will the shopkeeper have for him? Pui gets really sticky hands! Have you ever had sticky hands? Chris and Pui get stuck together, but they manage to get unstuck just in time to count back down in the lift.