
Show Me Show Me - Series 1 - Coats and Polar Bears

Logo for Show Me Show Me - Series 1 - Coats and Polar Bears

We are off on a journey to play in the sky, into the lift and zoom way up high! Up at the top are friends that we know, let's go and meet them and count as we go! Chris and Pui welcome young viewers and their toys on their adventures with coats and polar bears. Chris shows off all the coats he likes to wear. He's got a coat with a hood, a trendy jacket and a mac! Sing along and with Chris and Pui and show us how you put on your coat and zip up your zip! Also featuring the animated adventures of Penelope, a three year old chatterbox and her family. Penelope and her Grandpa have fun painting pictures. We're going on a bear hunt. Join Pui and Stuffy as they look for a polar bear in the playroom! It's so white everywhere that Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep in all the snow. Thank you for coming to play!