
Show Me Show Me - Series 1 - Balls and Biscuits

Logo for Show Me Show Me - Series 1 - Balls and Biscuits

We're off on a journey to play in the sky, into the lift and zoom way up high! Up at the top are friends that we know, let's go and meet them and count as we go! Look at all the balls the lift delivers! Big balls, little balls, balls to throw and catch, balls to roll and balls to bounce. Can you roll and bounce too? The toys find even more balls to play with and everyone joins in with a game of finger football. After you've been so busy playing finger football what's the perfect snack? Biscuits! Biscuits to crunch, biscuits to dunk, biscuits to nibble and biscuits that run away! Pat the Baker Man's gingerbread man biscuit keeps running away. Find out if the baker ever manages to catch him. Also with the adventures of Penelope.