
Short Circuit

Logo for Short Circuit

Award-winning series encouraging discussion about major scientific issues

logo for Short Circuit - Biology - Programmes 1-3
Short Circuit - Biology - Programmes 1-3

Award-winning series encouraging discussion about major scientific issues, providing real-life examples to explain key issues for biology students.

logo for Short Circuit - Biology - Programmes 4-6
Short Circuit - Biology - Programmes 4-6

Award-winning series encouraging discussion about major scientific issues, providing real-life examples to explain key issues for biology students.

logo for Short Circuit - Changes in the Atmosphere
Short Circuit - Changes in the Atmosphere

Bringing chemistry, physics and biology to life. Meteorologist Suzanne Charlton explains the greenhouse effect and its possible consequences.

logo for Short Circuit - Chemistry, Biology and Physics - Programmes 1-3
Short Circuit - Chemistry, Biology and Physics - Programmes 1-3

Bringing chemistry, physics and biology to life. A look at the chemical element aluminium, the compound ammonia, and redox reactions.

logo for Short Circuit - Chemistry, Biology and Physics - Programmes 4-6
Short Circuit - Chemistry, Biology and Physics - Programmes 4-6

Bringing science to life using real-life examples and practical experiments. A look at energy, the eye, and electromagnetism.

logo for Short Circuit - Earthquakes and Seismic Waves
Short Circuit - Earthquakes and Seismic Waves

Bringing science to life. Can science make it safer to live in San Francisco? Understanding seismic waves may help the city prepare for an earthquake.

logo for Short Circuit - Electromagnetic Waves
Short Circuit - Electromagnetic Waves

Bringing science to life. How global communications systems are based on the properties of electromagnetic waves: reflection, refraction and diffraction.

logo for Short Circuit - Fatal Addiction
Short Circuit - Fatal Addiction

Bringing science to life. Why it is so hard to give up smoking, and should tobacco advertising be banned? The effects of smoking on the body are examined.

logo for Short Circuit - Investigation - Compounds
Short Circuit - Investigation - Compounds

Bringing chemistry, physics and biology to life. Students learn about the chemistry within everyone and the atomic interactions that make it possible.

logo for Short Circuit - Message in a Bottle
Short Circuit - Message in a Bottle

Bringing science to life. Alcohol is readily available, socially acceptable and kills one person every 20 minutes. Should advertising alcohol be banned?

logo for Short Circuit - Periodic Table
Short Circuit - Periodic Table

Bringing science to life using real-life examples, 3D graphics and practical experiments. A look at the Periodic Table, the chart of chemical elements.

logo for Short Circuit - Physics
Short Circuit - Physics

Award-winning series encouraging discussion about major scientific issues. Taking a look at physical processes.

logo for Short Circuit - Polymers
Short Circuit - Polymers

Bringing chemistry, physics and biology to life. Polymers are easily made and moulded to any purpose. Can the consequences be avoided as waste piles up in landfill sites?

logo for Short Circuit - Pressure
Short Circuit - Pressure

Bringing science to life. A reconstruction of a diving incident in which a woman was almost killed by pressure, demonstrating how pressure can be both dangerous and benign.

logo for Short Circuit - Radioactivity
Short Circuit - Radioactivity

Bringing chemistry, physics and biology to life. Exploring the nature of radioactivity, including how radiation is used to diagnose bone fractures in sports injuries.

logo for Short Circuit - Shock Tactics
Short Circuit - Shock Tactics

Bringing science to life. The uses of electricity, from the beauty business to the electric chair, featuring Edison and Tesla's battle over alternating current.

logo for Short Circuit - Space
Short Circuit - Space

Bringing chemistry, physics and biology to life. A journey from Earth to the edge of the cosmos, revealing how stars like our own sun and the wider universe were formed.
