Scrooby Trevithick is a six part scripted comedy series written by and starring Andy Parsons following on from the first series aired on Radio 4 18 months ago - The Lost WebLog of Scrooby Trevithick. This second series continues to follow the exploits of the hapless character of Scrooby (Andy Parsons), an enthusiastic but flawed wannabe who having returned from his wanderings is still trying to find himself by zealously posting his web diaries online. Each episode features him attempting to make a dent in the national consciousness, and in this series, he's helped by his good friend Sasha (played by Kerry Godliman). However, his desire for success always takes him one step further than prudence dictates. Episode 5. Journalist. In this episode, Scrooby tries to become a journalist having had a mishap with an inflatable. The cast features a variety of talented comedians including Dara O Briain, Russell Howard, Hugh Dennis, Russell Kane, Rufus Hound, Alun Cochrane, Dominic Frisby, Paul Thorne, Martin Coyote and Barunka O'Shaughnessy. As always, listeners are encouraged to share their comments with Scrooby at as he needs all the advice he can get. The producer is Paul Russell, and this is an Open Mike production for BBC Radio 4.