
Scrooby Trevithick

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Comedy series written by and starring Andy Parsons, following the exploits of hapless Scrooby, an enthusiastic but flawed wannabe who zealously posts his web diaries online

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Scrooby Trevithick - Councillor

Comedy series written by and starring Andy Parsons. Scrooby tries to become a councillor, having got into trouble joyriding his wheelie bin.

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Scrooby Trevithick - Councillor

Comedy series written by and starring Andy Parsons. Scrooby tries to become a journalist, having had a mishap with an inflatable.

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Scrooby Trevithick - Entrepreneur

Scrooby tries to become an entrepreneur by mis-spending his inheritance on the horses, the dogs and the 'Fruit on a Pizza' company.

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Scrooby Trevithick - Paparazzo

Comedy series written by and starring Andy Parsons. Scrooby tries to become a paparazzo, having taken some dubious footage on his mobile phone.

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Scrooby Trevithick - Performer

Comedy series written by and starring Andy Parsons. Scrooby tries to become a performer, having had a surprise internet hit with some dodgy karaoke.

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Scrooby Trevithick - Writer

Scrooby tries to become a writer, having had what he regards as a cracking idea for a best-seller entitled A Short History of Combine Harvesters in Cornish.
