
Saturday Magazine - 19/06/2010

Logo for Saturday Magazine - 19/06/2010

It's Fathers day this Sunday and John Toal talks to Professor Joanna Bourke about how the role of being a dad has changed over the past few generations. Wimbledon begins this weekend too so John will be meeting local man Roger Henry, who plays an important role in the tournament each year - he's one of the racquest stringers. He'll be showing John how important it is to the players game that their racquets are strung to perfection. Just how much should you spend, if anything, on a gift for your child's teacher? Andy Brown from the teachers union ATL will be chatting to John about what can be done to curb excessive presents. Paula will be cooking up a one pot wonder that is ideal for those camping this summer and John will finding out some beauty and fashion advice for those who are getting ready to brave the beaches.