
Saturday Magazine - 14/08/2010

Logo for Saturday Magazine - 14/08/2010

The dreaded day of A Level results is looming but what happens after the envelope is torn open? John will be talking to careers advisors Cathy Moore & Amanda Cairns who’ll be giving their top tips for choosing the right path. Some expectant students will be in the studio to talk about pre-results nerves ahead of next week. Intrepid writer William Least Heat Moon has travelled the States in search of places untouched by fast food chains and interstate highways. He will be talking to John about is his adventures off the beaten track of America. We'll be talking to the man who's fresh off an epic 1000 mile journey for charity, on a vintage moped! You may have noticed a host of brightly coloured pianos popping up all over Belfast as part of the ‘Play Me I’m Yours’ exhibition. John will be tinkling the ivories live from Fountain Street and finding out a bit more about the musical project. They were once seen as an American tradition but the popularity of baby showers is soaring. John is joined by sceptical new mum Heidi Mc Alpine and baby shower champion Susan Davey. And Paula McIntyre shows us what to do with all that rhubarb in our gardens and whisks up an Upside Down Rhubarb Cake.