
Royal Institution Christmas Lectures - 2010

Logo for Royal Institution Christmas Lectures - 2010

Material scientist Dr Mark Miodownik gives a series of lectures on how size influences everything in science and nature, including the shape of the universe

logo for Royal Institution Christmas Lectures - 2010 - Why Chocolate Melts and Jet Engines Don't
Royal Institution Christmas Lectures - 2010 - Why Chocolate Melts and Jet Engines Don't

Mark Miodownik zooms into the microscopic world beneath our fingertips and reveals how this world can make objects behave like magic.

logo for Royal Institution Christmas Lectures - 2010 - Why Elephants Can't Dance
Royal Institution Christmas Lectures - 2010 - Why Elephants Can't Dance

Dr Mark Miodownik explains how scientists have pieced together some of the physical rules that govern the strength, lifespan and dance moves of animals.

logo for Royal Institution Christmas Lectures - 2010 - Why Mountains Are So Small
Royal Institution Christmas Lectures - 2010 - Why Mountains Are So Small

Mark Miodownik investigates the world of the very big and very tall. He reveals that, at this scale, everything is governed by a battle with gravity.
