Drama series set against the backdrop of the elegant world of racehorses in rural Southern Ireland
Drama series set against the backdrop of the world of racehorses in rural Ireland. Aidan Doherty intends to emigrate to Australia, when a son he never knew he had turns up.
DetailsDrama series set in the horseracing world of rural southern Ireland. Charlie puts pressure on Aidan by placing his trainer's licence under threat from the Turf Club.
DetailsDrama series set in the horseracing world of rural southern Ireland. Charlie's prize stud is not performing and Aidan has an unorthodox and risky solution to the problem.
DetailsDrama series set in the horseracing world of rural southern Ireland. Jonah's mum arrives to take him home and Aidan doesn't seem to be putting up much of a fight to keep him.
DetailsDrama series set in the horseracing world of rural southern Ireland. On her wedding anniversary Yolanda has money to spend at the horse sales and she wants to take Aidan.
DetailsDrama series set in the horseracing world of southern Ireland. Moira's in danger of bankruptcy, but Aidan has a plan. However, his plan entails beating Charlie's star horse.