
Richard Hammond's Blast Lab - Series 2 - Episode 4

Logo for Richard Hammond's Blast Lab - Series 2 - Episode 4

Science game show. Two teams of contestants compete to win a wheelbarrow-load of prizes. They need to use all their powers of reason and logic as they answer questions, perform scientific experiments, predict the outcome of jaw-dropping stunts and battle to win prizes in a furiously messy final game. While the winners go away laden with goodies, the losers have to blow theirs up. The theme is the movement of air. On Richard's secret test facility, there is a race between a Spitfire aeroplane, a rocket and Mercury the legendary messenger to the ancient gods (in other words a Lab Rat who has been spraypainted silver!). Back in the Lab, the teams are using vacuum cleaner launchers to fire projectiles at a target to see who can score the most points.