
Richard Bacon - 22/09/2009

Logo for Richard Bacon - 22/09/2009

Following the clearing of a camp set up by migrants near Calais known as the Jungle, we ask whether Britain should take some of these migrants. After Mark Oaten's interview with Richard last night, where Mark talked about how his wife handled his affair better because it was with a man and not a woman, we look at same sex affairs - does it make a difference? Trisha Goddard, whose first husband turned out to be gay, gives us her views. Do remakes of British TV shows ever work in the US? The Office has been a massive success in the States and now Have I Got News For You is set to be remade for an American audience. And, tabloids or broadsheets, what do you read and why? Plus, your films that lovers of cheese would enjoy - East of Edam, Million Dollar Babybel, The Man in the Iron Mascapone, and Ricotta the Otter. You get the idea.