
Remembrance Service

Logo for Remembrance Service

Services on Remembrance Sunday to mark the Armistice

logo for Remembrance Service - 08/11/2009
Remembrance Service - 08/11/2009

A service from Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh presented by the Rev Neil Gardner, with the Consort of Voices directed by Bernard Robertson and organist Richard Neville-Towle.

logo for Remembrance Service - 09/11/2008
Remembrance Service - 09/11/2008

Kevin Franz explores the poetry of the First World War and how it speaks to us still. Featuring the Edinburgh Singers and organist Morley Whitehead at Morningside Parish Church.

logo for Remembrance Service - 11/11/2007
Remembrance Service - 11/11/2007

From Dunblane Cathedral, led by the Minister, the Reverend Colin McIntosh, with the Cathedral Choir and congregation. Music directed by Matthew Beetschen.

logo for Remembrance Service - 14/11/2010
Remembrance Service - 14/11/2010

A service from Govan led by the Rev Moyna McGlynn with Congregations of the Salvation Army, Church of Scotland and Roman Catholic Church with Salvation Army Band and Choir.
