
Raven - The Dragon's Eye - Episode 17

Logo for Raven - The Dragon's Eye - Episode 17

Children's fantasy game show. The six warriors who have survived the quest so far begin their journey to reach the Castle of Shadows and to find the Dragon's Eye. Will they all survive the day? Ervan is confronted by Nevar, and all the while he plots to trick Raven and the warriors into leading him to the Eye. A fearsome river stands in the way of the warriors' progress and they must work together to negotiate their way across safely. Using the journal to help them at River Raft, they must acquire the means to navigate the river. Then they have to escape its raging torrents and reach dry land in River Escape. The Shuttle Line will carry them safely to the other side of the river if they can determine how to construct it. Once they have reached the shore, they remain in danger and must gain protection from the Castle Demons in Spirit Shield. Raven knows that danger lurks all around.