Fantasy game show. Raven begins the search for a new ultimate champion.
Fantasy game show. Six new young warriors begin their perilous journey, tackling daunting tasks and challenges including Warrior's Race, Long Staff and Dead Man's Gorge.
DetailsSix new warriors set forth to take on the daunting tasks and challenges put before them by Raven, including Warrior's Race, Long Staff and the terrifying Dead Man's Gorge.
DetailsFantasy game show. Three warriors will be reduced to two, and those who remain must come face to face with the evil Nevar in The Last Stand. Who will survive, and who will perish?
DetailsFantasy game show. The mysterious Raven welcomes six new warriors to the quest, and they compete in the Warrior's Race, Puzzle Stack, Long Staff and Skull Cage.
DetailsFantasy game show. The mysterious Raven guides the warriors as they face their second day on the quest, where they will face terrifying challenges, including Nevar's Demon Army.
DetailsFantasy game show. The mysterious Raven guides the warriors as they face their third day on the quest, where they will face terrifying challenges, including Thrall Forest.
DetailsFantasy game show. The mysterious Raven guides the remaining warriors as they face their fourth day on the quest, where they will face terrifying challenges including Demon Star.
DetailsFantasy game show. Three warriors remain, but only two can progress to the final stages of the quest. Tasks awaiting them include Target Mines, Stone Soldiers and The Last Stand.
DetailsFantasy game show. Six brave warriors survived the early stages of the quest, and now they must come together as they continue in their attempts to become the Ultimate Champion.
DetailsFantasy game show. The six brave warriors have many new and terrifying tests ahead of them as they begin their second day on the final stage of the quest, including Skull Cage.
DetailsFantasy game show. With one lost, only five brave warriors remain, and they endure freezing waters in Pool Plunge. Their wits are tested to the extreme in Demon Square.
DetailsFantasy game show. The four remaining warriors face many dangers, including the freezing waters of Skull River and the puzzles of Riddle Path. Who will fall at the last hurdle?
DetailsFantasy game show. Nevar's evil Demon Army must be faced, the freezing waters of Raft Race await and one challenger will venture alone on the Way of the Warrior.
DetailsFantasy game show. The final day of the quest arrives, and a confrontation with the mighty Nevar will reduce three heroes to just one. Who will be crowned as the Ultimate Champion?
DetailsFantasy game show. Raven leads the warriors to more challenges, including the Deep Loch, Demon Square and the Leap of Faith. Finally, one challenger will face Way of the Warrior.
DetailsFantasy game show. Raven leads the warriors to more challenges, including Sunken Treasure, Tree Rock and Demon Star. Finally, one challenger will face Way of the Warrior.
DetailsFantasy game show. Raven leads the warriors through the Target Mines, the Drop and the Demon River, before two brave warriors come face-to-face with the lord of evil - Nevar.
DetailsFantasy game show. Six new warriors join the quest to become the Ultimate Champion. But will they have the courage to face Dead Man's Gorge?
DetailsFantasy game show. Six fearless warriors must face the Demon Army, test their skills in a Raft Race, brave the danger of Raven's Rock, and one will succumb to injury at Ring Rack.
DetailsFantasy game show. Five fearless friends must brave the waters of the Deep Loch, defeat Nevar's minions in Demon Square, and all must prove their worth by taking the Leap of Faith.
DetailsFantasy game show. The four remaining warriors must search for Sunken Treasure, face the slippery challenge of Tree Rock, and decipher the fiendish Riddle Path.