
Raven - Series 10 - Episode 11

Logo for Raven - Series 10 - Episode 11

Six more brave and passionate warriors embark on the testing challenges laid before them on this quest by Raven. They will be tested to the limits of their physical and mental powers. The quest is set within the magnificent mountains and rivers of a mystical Celtic land. The warriors must face all that is put before them, and they will also need to evade Nevar and his evil servants, who will follow their every step. The symbols that the warriors will bear as talismans on their journey will be revealed in the first of the tasks upon the quest. Raven will be their guide and mentor throughout their adventure. The other tasks facing them on the first day are the dangerous waters below the Pendulum, the tricky puzzle that is Tethered Maze, the hazardous crossing of Demon Causeway and the petrifying ascent of Golden Stairway. Will a clear leader emerge in this first day of the quest?