
Professor Regan's...

Logo for Professor Regan's...

Professor Lesley Regan puts health and beauty products under the microscope to discover the scientific truth behind the gimmicks and marketing claims

logo for Professor Regan's... - Diet Clinic
Professor Regan's... - Diet Clinic

Professor Regan takes on the multi-million pound diet industry. Using herself as a guinea pig, she will discover what to eat to lose 10lbs a year.

logo for Professor Regan's... - Health Spa
Professor Regan's... - Health Spa

Professor Regan investigates the world of beauty and discovers if there really are scientifically proven ways to make you look younger and give you the perfect body.

logo for Professor Regan's... - Medicine Cabinet
Professor Regan's... - Medicine Cabinet

Professor Regan goes behind the pharmacy counter to find out if the millions we spend every year on products from cold remedies to herbal medicines are worth it.

logo for Professor Regan's... - Nursery
Professor Regan's... - Nursery

Professor Regan investigates the lucrative world of children's products, from snack foods to educational toys, and learns whether they live up to their promises.
