A 3D CGI animated comedy series for six- to 11-year-olds with two piggy brothers causing havoc in TV land. Pinky and Perky are a pair of piglets who have just been given their big break in showbiz: their own live children's television show full of crazy stunts, mad games, wild cartoons and top celebrity guests. Their show is loud, messy, funny and frequently out of control, which makes it very unpopular with the old guard of the TV station. One way or another, they're going to get those pesky pigs off the air! It's all change at PPCTV when Pinky and Perky end up with new performing partners, who may divide their own double act forever. Eric and Pinky have had enough of playing second fiddle to their louder, bossier co-stars and decide to join forces to create their very own show. Pinky is passionate about sock puppetry, whilst Eric is determined to warn viewers about the dangers of rotting vegetables. They combine their ideas to create the ultimate vegetable-themed sock puppet cop drama. Unsurprisingly, this does not go down very well with Vera and Perky who realise they were not destined to be solo performers and set out to sabotage the new show. However, it isn't long before they are desperate to be reunited with their true partners, but first Perky and Vera have some serious grovelling to do.