A 3D CGI animated comedy series for 6- to 11-year-olds, with two piggy brothers causing havoc in TV land. Pinky and Perky are a pair of piglets who have just been given their big break in showbiz: their own live children's television show full of crazy stunts, mad games, wild cartoons and top celebrity guests. Their show is loud, messy, funny and frequently out of control, which makes it very unpopular with the old guard of the TV station. One way or another, they're going to get those pesky pigs off the air! When Perky pretends to be the master of a made-up sport to impress a visiting sports star, he then has to play it - and win! Football sensation David Peckham is a guest on the show and everyone is extremely excited, except Perky. Not wanting to be outdone by David, Perky lies and tells everyone he is a sports star too. Trouble is, he's no good at any sports! Pinky soon discovers that Perky's sporting talents extend solely to juggling and lying outrageously and so Unbelieva-Ball is invented! David agrees to play too and before long a match is under way. In an attempt to get closer to David, Tara, Tamara and Wilberforce join in the game, but soon it's only Perky and David left to battle it out. Will Perky tell the ultimate lie to win the game and the glory?