3D CGI-animated comedy series for seven- to 11-year-olds with two piggy brothers causing havoc in TV land. Pinky and Perky are a pair of piglets who have just been given their big break in showbiz: their own live children's television show full of crazy stunts, mad games, wild cartoons and top celebrity guests. Their show is loud, messy, funny and frequently out of control, which makes it very unpopular with the old guard of the TV station. One way or another, they're going to get those pesky pigs off the air! When Tara and Tamara get a chance to become top fashion models, they need boyfriends fast. Where are Pinky and Perky? There is a fashion frenzy at PPCTV when top designer Jean Paul Goat comes to the station to launch his latest collection! Jean Paul Goat picks Pinky and Perky to model his new outfits on their show, much to their horror. They are equally horrified when Tara and Tamara suddenly announce they are Pinky and Perky's girlfriends in order to get a piece of the action and make their modelling debut too. Meanwhile, Vera has a cunning plan to sabotage the whole thing, which creates chaos when Jean Paul discovers his catwalk creations have gone missing. It is only when Pinky and Perky arrive on stage wearing the latest in cardboard couture that they escape their dreaded 'girlfriends' and claim back their show.