A 3D CGI animated comedy series for six- to 11-year-olds with two piggy brothers causing havoc in TV land. Pinky and Perky are a pair of piglets who have just been given their big break in showbiz: their own live children's television show full of crazy stunts, mad games, wild cartoons and top celebrity guests. Their show is loud, messy, funny and frequently out of control, which makes it very unpopular with the old guard of the TV station. One way or another, they're going to get those pesky pigs off the air! It's Pinky and Perky's birthday, but when the brothers fall out they decide to divide their entire studio in half, on live TV! It is Pinky and Perky's birthday and there is a special show lined up to celebrate, with a whole host of top guests booked to appear. PPCTV is getting into the party spirit and everyone is doing their best to ensure the birthday boys have a great day. Everyone, that is, except Vera Vixworth, who has had enough of the twins' antics and decides to test their brotherly love to the limits, using some of her trademark tricks. By the time they go on air, Pinky and Perky are no longer speaking to each another, and the live show looks doomed. Fortunately, KT has a brainwave and Pinky and Perky stop bickering just in time to roll those end credits, much to Vera's dismay!