A 3D CGI animated comedy series for six- to 11-year-olds with two piggy brothers causing havoc in TV land. Pinky and Perky are a pair of piglets given their big break in showbiz: their own live children's television show full of crazy stunts, mad games, wild cartoons and top celebrity guests. Their show is loud, messy, funny and frequently out of control, which makes it very unpopular with the old guard of the TV station. One way or another, they'll get those pesky pigs off the air. Pinky has started a craze with his new card game Powerpig Powerpack, and Robbie Rooster, the winner of the Powerpack world tournament, is the special guest on Pinky and Perky's show. However, when Robbie and his little brother Ricky arrive at the studio, it becomes clear that the champion is a big-headed bully who likes to boss his younger sibling around. Pinky and Perky decide to intervene and they set Ricky some confidence-boosting challenges to help him stand up for himself. Eventually, Ricky challenges Robbie to a game of Powerpack on live TV, and with a little help from Pinky and Perky, he manages to teach his double-crossing brother a lesson once and for all!