
Performance on 3 - Widmann, Rachmaninov, Shostakovich - Part 2

Logo for Performance on 3 - Widmann, Rachmaninov, Shostakovich - Part 2

Presented by Ian Skelly Jörg Widmann ranks among the finest composers of his generation and in this revised version of 'Lied' he builds a colossal Mahlerian orchestral work around fleeting traces of Schubert melodies. Heightened romanticism is also evident in Rachaminov's rhapsody for piano and orchestra based on Paganini's famous 24th Caprice. The concert ends with Shostakovich's wartime Eighth Symphony, which although was not the upbeat propaganda work the Soviet authorities had hoped for, it is one of the composers most hard-hitting and monumental. Jorg Widmann - Lied Rachmaninov - Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini Shostakovich - Symphony no.8 in C minor Stephen Hough (piano) BBC Symphony Orchestra Lawrence Renes (conductor).