
Performance on 3 - Debussy, Messiaen - Wed, 10 December 2008 - Part 2

Logo for Performance on 3 - Debussy, Messiaen - Wed, 10 December 2008 - Part 2

From St David's Hall, Cardiff. Presented by Petroc Trelawny. The concert concludes with two religious-themed works: Debussy's Danses sacree et profane, with harpist Catrin Finch joining the strings of the orchestra as soloist, and Messiaen's Trois petites liturgies for female chorus, ondes martenot, percussion and strings. Catrin Finch (harp) Ueli Wiget (piano) Jacques Tchmenkerten (ondes martenot) Ladies of the BBC National Chorus of Wales BBC National Orchestra of Wales Thierry Fischer (conductor) Debussy: Danses sacree et profane Messiaen: Trois petites liturgies de la presence divine.