Duncan MacLeod presents a series celebrating Perth's 800th anniversary as a royal burgh
Cuairt mu bhaile Pheairt còmhla ri Dunnchadh MacLeòid. Duncan Macleod meets residents of the city of Perth.
DetailsCuairt mu bhaile Pheairt còmhla ri Dunnchadh Macleòid. Duncan MacLeod meets residents of Perth and neighbouring suburbs.
DetailsSreath ur mu bhaile Pheairt agus mun fheadhainn a tha fuireachd ann. Duncan MacLeod presents a series celebrating Perth's 800th anniversary as a royal burgh.
DetailsAn-diugh, tha Dunnchadh a' cumail air timcheall baile Pheairt còmhla ri Siaraich. Duncan MacLeod presents a snapshot of Perth, accompanied by local residents.
DetailsDunnchadh MacLeòid 's a chàirdean ann am baile Pheairt. Duncan MacLeod meets residents of Perth.