
Paradise Cafe - Series 2 - Edison Tesla

Logo for Paradise Cafe - Series 2 - Edison Tesla

Welcome back to beautiful Paradise Island for more mysteries, sea ghosts and spilled smoothies! Our gang believes they've got the ghost problem well and truly busted. But just when they thought it was time to settle down and enjoy a quiet mango smoothie in the cafe, things start spiralling out of control all over again...and it's not Tai's hair. Time for more trouble in Paradise! When a strange inventor called Edison Tesla shows up, Robbo realises the ghosts are back. But as he's on cafe clean up duty, he thinks that maybe this time they could be helpful. Tesla makes Robbo's vacuum cleaner mighty powerful but when Abi borrows the machine, it causes mayhem for Victoria. Meanwhile, Tesla's made a great invention that is wrecking the cafe....and with only minutes to go before the inspector arrives!