
On Your Farm - 14/03/2010

Logo for On Your Farm - 14/03/2010

A scheme to feed the city of Milton Keynes with meat reared in its own parkland is being hailed a success after just three months. When Milton Keynes was privatised in 1992, the green spaces were given over to a trust called The Parks Trust to save it from development. Eight hundred acres of this land is ancient pasture land. In a city which boasts concrete cows and once the longest shopping centre in Europe, more than 350 cattle and 600 sheep now graze the farmland and pasture land which snakes through the city in three linear parks. In a new scheme run by Parkland Produce, the meat from these animals is now being sent to a local abbatoir, butchered by a local butcher and is now being sold to Milton Keynes residents as Milton Keynes beef and lamb.