Sitcom by Adam Rosenthal and Viv Ambrose, set 100,000 years BC among a tribe of proto-humans. It's boiling hot down in the swamp and the tribe suffer while Alf and Lucy enjoy the cool breezes in their treetop home. Newfangle, aided by Crag, discovers that piles of mud can be shaped into shelters from the heat. These mudturtles, as Crag calls them, prove very popular with the other hominids - so popular that Newfangle devises a complicated payment system based on future harvests to cope with demand. But then the whole pyramid scheme comes crashing down when Crag intervenes with a big idea of his own. Newfangle ...... Russell Tovey Snaggle ...... Pippa Evans Crag ...... Gabriel Vick Coco ...... Maureen Lipman Alf ...... Hugh Bonneville Lucy ...... Amy Shindler.