Sitcom by Adam Rosenthal and Viv Ambrose, set 100,000 years BC among a tribe of proto-humans. The tribe is tasked with building Alf the Alpha a giant mound, to help him survey his swamp kingdom. While working in the mud, Newfangle finds a rhythm in the clanking of flints in dirt- it's music and the tribe go ape for the original sound. Soon he and Crag are performing their songs to adoring fans, but then the band splits. Newfangle's dreams are shattered, until he meets a mysterious primate impresario in the forest who has a plan for a comeback tour. Newfangle ...... Russell Tovey Snaggle ...... Pippa Evans Crag ...... Gabriel Vick Coco ...... Maureen Lipman Alf ...... Hugh Bonneville Lucy ...... Amy Shindler An Above the Title production for BBC Radio 4.