
New Music Zone - Vic's Specials

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Vic Galloway presents hour upon hour of hand-picked tunes, as he brings you a marathon of special editions of his Monday night BBC Radio Scotland show. Get ready for 26 of the best Scottish tracks of all time in Vic's A-Z of Scottish music; and hear your favourite songs as you might not have heard them before, as we romp through the history of cover versions. Plus, delve into the mysterious, psychedelic world of the 'Alternative 1960s'. RUNNING ORDER Timings are approximate and given in hours and minutes from the start of the zone. 0.01 VIC GALLOWAY: The A-Z of Scottish Music (First broadcast in June 2009) Vic rounds up the 26 tracks that make up his A-Z of Scottish Music, as suggested by listeners to his Monday night programme. 1.51 VIC GALLOWAY: Cover Versions (First broadcast in September 2009) Vic’s hand-picked some of the best cover versions of all time, and plays them out alongside exclusive covers recorded by bands who’ve played sessions on his shows. 3.38 VIC GALLOWAY: Alternative Sixties (First broadcast in July 2009) As part of BBC Radio Scotland’s ‘Summer in the Sixties’ season, Vic cast aside the stereotype of the swinging sixties, and dug out some of the best alternative sounds of the decade.