Sci-fi comedy series by Graham Duff, set in the year 2099, about Professor Nebulous and his team of eco-trouble shooters
Comedy series by Graham Duff, set in the year 2099, about Prof Nebulous and his team of eco-trouble shooters. Nebulous travels back in time to the day of his greatest experiment.
DetailsComedy series by Graham Duff, set in the year 2099. Nebulous and his team have to transport a dangerous criminal to Saturn. But just who is this alien being?
DetailsComedy series by Graham Duff, set in the year 2099. Nebulous and the team travel to Atlantis, where the Professor battles the Kraken and Paula receives some rather startling news.
DetailsComedy series by Graham Duff, set in the year 2099. Nebulous returns to his old university, where he discovers several lecturers have disappeared.
DetailsComedy series by Graham Duff, set in the year 2099. When 99 percent of the nation's workforce phone in sick, Nebulous comes face to face with a very unpleasant alien life form.
DetailsComedy series by Graham Duff, set in the year 2099. Nebulous has been incarcerated in Biros Optimum Security Prison alongside the galaxy's most evil masterminds.