Comedy-drama series following the lives of a group of old friends
New comedy-drama series. Following the suicide of his best friend, a solicitor's world falls apart when his wife tells him at the funeral that she slept with his late friend.
DetailsNew comedy-drama series following the lives of a group of old friends. Patrick reintroduces Martin to the single life, fuelled by a diet of pizza and beer.
DetailsComedy-drama following the lives of a group of old friends. Martin leaves hospital and is reconciled with Jen. Patrick and Martin take Dan and Leigh's eldest son to a snooker club.
DetailsComedy-drama series following the lives of a group of old friends. Jen and Martin start trying for a baby, but Martin struggles to deliver the goods.
DetailsComedy-drama series about a group of old friends. Although Jen persuades a jobless Martin to meet her employer Darren, he considers the jobs on offer to be 'beneath him'.
DetailsComedy-drama series following the lives of a group of old friends. The wedding looms and everyone converges on the country house hotel for the reception.