
Morning Extra - 02/04/2009

Logo for Morning Extra - 02/04/2009

Your reaction to yesterday's tragic North Sea helicopter crash. The bodies of eight people have been recovered after a Bond Super Puma came down about 15 miles off Peterhead yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately the outlook for the remaining eight people on board the helicopter is "extremely bleak". It's something which touches us all, but none more so than the thousands of workers and their families who make their living from the North Sea. Are you one of them? And how do you live with the dangers? Plus: Is it time we banned lap dancing? Glasgow's newest venue, run by Spearmint Rhino, is due to hold its launch party tomorrow night — so long as it gets its final licence approval through. Are these clubs harmless fun for consenting adults, or degrading and distasteful? Graham Stewart takes your calls, texts and emails.