Series which attempts to seperate myth from fact in a series of experiments designed to test the relative abilites of both sexes in various controversial areas. With Vivienne Parry and Quentin Cooper
Vivienne Parry and Quentin Cooper compete in a battle of the sexes. 1/4: Prof Robin Dunbar presides over tests to determine whether men or women are the worst gossips.
DetailsVivienne Parry and Quentin Cooper compete in a battle of the sexes. 2/4: Stephen Monsell, professor of cognitive psychology, analyses their multi-tasking ability.
DetailsVivienne Parry and Quentin Cooper compete in a battle of the sexes. 3/4: Their map-reading skills are tested under the scrutiny of psychobiologist Dr Qazi Rahman.
DetailsVivienne Parry and Quentin Cooper compete in a battle of the sexes, taking part in live experiments. 4/4: Tests determine their ability to empathise.