
Mary Queen of Shops - Series 2 - Floyds

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Retail guru Mary Portas is back to save the small fashion boutique from extinction. This series she comes to the aid of five independent shops that are fighting for survival. But retail is a ruthless business and with High Street giants ever more powerful can Mary turn the fortunes of these small shops around? In Cardiff Mary encounters her most difficult challenge to date. Kelvin Evans is the owner of a boutique and bar called Floyds and he has very firm ideas about the retail business. The shop, run by his partner Sharon Hunt, is a fashion car crash selling cheap end of line clothes and tacky accessories. All the female inhabitants of the Welsh town seem to be giving Floyds a wide berth and Kelvin can't understand why. When Mary, not one to mince her words, attempts to explain why, the first of many heated exchanges takes place. She is convinced they should be targeting the fashion conscious 20-something crowd and asks them to have a go at styling Miss Wales and her friends for a night out. It's a disaster and the young girls end up looking more street walk than catwalk. Events come to a head and Mary decides she can no longer work with Kelvin. Will Sharon step up and start to take control and does she have the confidence and ability to turn Floyds around?