
Make My Body Younger - Series 2 - Chris Wilkinson

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Presenter George Lamb and Dr Suhil Ahmed advise people with excessive lifestyles how to become healthier and avoid serious illness. 24-year-old chef Chris Wilkinson has worked alongside acclaimed chefs such as Anthony Worrall-Thompson and served the Queen on a royal visit to New Zealand. But in the last two years Chris has turned from haute cuisine to spag bol, dishing up fast food to 18-30 coach trip clubbers across Europe. It's a life where partying is part of the job description and in 18 months Chris has piled on four stone. Born and bred in the Welsh village of Tenby, the normally mild-mannered Chris has an alter-ego, the party animal 'Welshie'. Capable of downing a jaw-dropping 200 units of alcohol a week, no party or occasion is ever too small for Welshie the big time boozer to celebrate. Transient living on coach tours and in hostels where the partying never stops have done nothing to help Chris take control of his burgeoning weight and a spiralling drink problem of pints, shots and gin. His drinking is so notorious that a bar in Italy has named a drink after him. Now on a minimum of ten pints a night, without which he claims he cannot sleep, Chris's concern is that he may be heading for a lonely life and an early grave. Will the shock results of his own living autopsy be enough to put him back on track?