
Mad About the House - Series 1 - Tanya and Tom

Logo for Mad About the House - Series 1 - Tanya and Tom

26-year-old Tanya met 21-year-old Tom 18 months ago, on their first day of work at their local nightclub. Despite the five year age gap, they hit it off immediately and after six months Tom moved in to Tanya's two bedroom house in Swindon. Cash-strapped Tanya bought the house four years ago but has never been able to afford to make the interior changes she longs for. Now, with its leaky bathroom and an outdated kitchen, Tanya would love to transform the small tired looking house into a brightly coloured, open-plan, social haven, the ideal space to play the perfect hostess and to entertain their 'couple friends' over a nice meal and a bottle of wine. Rugby mad Tom would also like to create a space to entertain his mates... over a few beers with Sky Sports on the flat screen! Apart from a short stint living with some mates, this is the first time Tom has lived out of home and he admits he doesn't necessarily respect Tanya's stuff in the way he would if he had bought it. He is keen to take some ownership of the house and put his stamp on it, however his laddy ideas of remote controlled lighting systems and 'an entertainment stronghold' would probably be better suited to a swanky loft style apartment rather than a modest two-bed in the suburbs. As Tanya moves out for three weeks and hands the keys of the house she has worked so hard to buy to 'toy boy' Tom, will he be able to control his desire to create the high-tech lads-pad he aspires to own or will he prove himself as a real man and spend the 10,000 pounds on a home renovation they can both enjoy? And how will he react when he sees what Tanya really hoped he would do to the house when he comes face to face with her fully-furnished, girly heaven 'Dolls House' only 48 hours before Tanya is due to return home?