
Lives in a Landscape - Series 5 - Balancing Act

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When Joni met Howie: the story of a long-distance love affair that blossomed amid the torn ligaments and strained quadriceps of some of Britain's top circus performers. Joni, a leading Mayfair physiotherapist, could only marvel when she met the men and women of No Fit State circus, at the musculature and the perfection equilibrium of their bodies. But Howie, a former horticulturalist, advertising stiltwalker and all-round free spirit was special, and soon they were more than friends. Now, as if keeping their two lives together - ministering to the muscular misfortunes of City financiers and performing high in the Big Top all over Europe - weren't enough, Howie faces a special, personal ordeal. He must undergo much-postponed surgery on his damaged left knee. Meanwhile Joni has her own enormous physical challenges to face.