
Live 'n' Deadly - Episode 1

Logo for Live 'n' Deadly - Episode 1

Live and unpredictable Saturday morning show presented by action adventurer Steve Backshall and Naomi Wilkinson. Every week, Steve and Naomi pitch up at a different destination across the country in the Live 'n' Deadly truck and, in front of a live studio audience, they present a show crammed full of animals, adventure, challenges, dares and interaction with the viewers at home. Steve pits himself against a variety of animals as he attempts to master their skills. Meanwhile, Naomi busts some awesome animal myths in Deadly Sleuth and also meets some deadly cute creatures - sweet-looking animals with real bite. Plus, a host of celebrity guests challenge Steve to an activity face-off. In the first show Steve makes a grand entrance when he faces a series of animal encounters with an assortment of creatures. He gets up close and personal with a Burmese python and handles baby meerkats, while Naomi reveals the sinister deadly side to these cute-looking creatures and demonstrates an African spotted eagle owl's eerily silent wings. Plus, a group of children are sent diving off Skomer in search of monsters from the deep.