An taghadh de bhà rdachd aig Lena NicLeòid
Iain Earsdaidh Mac a Mhaoilein le a thaghadh fhèin de bhà rdachd. John Archie MacMillan introduces his own choice of poetry.
DetailsCalum Ros le thaghadh fhèin de bhà rdachd. Calum Ross introduces his own choice of poetry.
DetailsMona Wilson le a taghadh fhèin de bhà rdachd. Mona Wilson introduces her own choice of poetry.
DetailsSeònaid NicLeòid le a taghadh fhèin de bhà rdachd. Janet MacLeod introduces her own choice of poetry.
DetailsCatrìona Caimbeul le a taghadh fhèin de bhà rdachd. Catriona Campbell introduces her own choice of poetry.
DetailsIain Eairdsidh Moireasdan le a taghadh fhèin de bhà rdachd. John Archie Morrison introduces his own choice of poetry.
DetailsCalum Camshron le a taghadh fhèin de bhà rdachd. Malcolm Cameron introduces his own choice of poetry.
DetailsCairistiona NicChoinnich le a taghadh fhèin de bhà rdachd. Christine MacKenzie introduces her own choice of poetry.
DetailsAnna Lathurna NicIlliosa le taghadh fhèin de bhà rdachd. Anne Lorn Gillies introduces her own choice of poetry.
DetailsAn taghadh bà rdachd aig Sìm MacCoinnich nach maireann. The late Simon MacKenzie's choice of poetry.
DetailsGillebrìde MacIlleMhaoil le a taghadh fhèin de bhà rdachd. Gillebride MacMillan introduces his own choice of poetry.
DetailsTaghadh de bhà rdachd. (Ath-chraoladh) A selection of poetry. (Repeat).